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7 Reasons for Yearly Technical Cybersecurity Audits in Healthcare

In today’s digitally driven world, healthcare organizations face unprecedented challenges in safeguarding sensitive patient information while maintaining regulatory compliance. With the ever-present threat of cyberattacks looming, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has never been more urgent. Amidst the array of defenses accessible to healthcare entities, one emerges as indispensable: annual technical cybersecurity audits.

At DAS Health, we prioritize the security of our clients by conducting comprehensive annual technical security audits. With over two decades of experience, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner for healthcare organizations nationwide. Currently, we safeguard over 25,000 devices and proactively block over 3,000 threats each month.

In this blog, we delve into the critical importance of conducting yearly technical security audits for healthcare organizations. From uncovering vulnerabilities to ensuring regulatory compliance and proactively preventing breaches, these audits play a pivotal role in fortifying digital defenses and preserving patient confidentiality.

How can you determine if a technical security audit is necessary for your organization? Look out for these triggers:

  • Regulatory obligations mandating audits at least once every 12 months.
  • Recent security incidents have prompted a reassessment of security measures.
  • Adherence to compliance requirements such as HIPAA and PCI-DSS.

Here are seven compelling reasons why scheduling a technical security audit with us is imperative:

1. Uncover Vulnerabilities

Technical security audits meticulously analyze systems, applications, and network security protocols to expose potential weaknesses that cyber attackers could exploit. Research suggests that more than 60% of data breaches originate from vulnerabilities that could have been patched. Regular audits help mitigate such risks, preserving patient confidentiality and organizational integrity.

2. Ensure Compliance

Compliance with stringent regulations like HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and Cyber Insurance requirements is paramount for healthcare organizations. Yearly technical audits ensure alignment with these standards, minimizing the risk of hefty penalties and legal ramifications. According to the HIPAA Journal, non-compliance fines for healthcare entities can range from $100 to $50,000 per violation, with an annual maximum of $1.5 million. That’s a costly mistake that could be avoided.

3. Proactive Breach Prevention

Proactively identifying and remedying vulnerabilities through technical audits is a preemptive strategy against costly data breaches. The average cost of a healthcare data breach is

approximately $11 million, nearly double that of other industries. This includes direct expenses and reputational damage. Regular audits significantly diminish the likelihood of such incidents, preserving financial stability and stakeholder trust.

4. Stay Ahead of Emerging Threats

As technology evolves, so do the tactics employed by cyber threats. Yearly technical audits enable organizations to stay ahead of emerging vulnerabilities and security risks. A Verizon report highlights that 70% of breaches involve a combination of hacking, malware, and social engineering, emphasizing the importance of proactive security measures.

5. Address Misconfigurations and Human Error

Human error and system misconfigurations pose significant threats to information security. Technical audits help identify and rectify such issues promptly. Research indicates that 88% of data breaches result from human error, highlighting the importance of regular assessments to mitigate such risks.

6. Effective Risk Management

Technical audits play a crucial role in risk assessment and management. Organizations can effectively allocate resources to mitigate potential threats by pinpointing vulnerabilities and prioritizing remediation efforts. An IBM study reveals that organizations with effective risk management practices experience 50% lower breach costs than those with ineffective approaches.

7. Demonstrate Due Diligence

In the event of a security incident, demonstrating diligent efforts to anticipate, identify, and address cyber risks is essential. Yearly technical audits indicate an organization’s commitment to cybersecurity readiness. This mitigates legal liabilities and enhances trust among stakeholders and patients.

The benefits of conducting yearly technical security audits for healthcare organizations are undeniable. At DAS Health, our comprehensive audit services encompass thorough assessments tailored to your organization’s specific needs, ensuring robust protection against evolving threats.

Our audit services extend beyond surface-level assessments. With our Initial Automated Assessment, we conduct thorough scans, including network, security, external vulnerability, and Azure/Microsoft 365 scans, providing a holistic view of your systems. Our expert team follows up with a meticulous manual review of over 20 key areas in your security systems. Additionally, we perform a Penetration Test, simulating cyber attacks to identify exploitable vulnerabilities and fortify your defenses. Finally, you’ll receive a detailed Risk Ranked Audit Report, empowering your team with actionable insights and strategies for improvement tailored to your organization’s specific needs.

Request a discovery call with us today to experience the comprehensive protection and peace of mind that comes with a technical audit from DAS Health.

Written by: Rob Abreu, our Technical Solutions Architect at DAS Health