Q2 | Metropolitan Ministries

We extended a helping hand to the Metropolitan Ministries in Tampa. Some of our team volunteered with the Environmental Services team to keep their campus clean by disinfecting surfaces, taking out the trash, and doing outdoor beautification and yard work. The rest of our team assisted at the Clothing Warehouse by processing and sorting donation; these donations are then sent to their community clients in need or to their Thrift Store to sell and fund their community programs.
Metropolitan Ministries offers comprehensive services for at-risk and homeless families in underserved and impoverished communities. In the last year, they’ve served 4,062,622 meals to hungry neighbors, provided safe shelter for children and their parents 56,944 nights, and helped 95,717 families through their family support centers in the last year. Learn more about their cause and services here: https://www.metromin.org/