Q3 | Feeding Tampa Bay, Faith Mission Homeless Shelter & Goodie Two Shoes

Our Columbus Team assembled and donated 100 Women’s Care Kits for the residents at Faith Mission Homeless Shelters. These kits are essential to those in need as they start down their new path. The Lutheran Social Services Network of Hope provides hope and healing for people in crisis, allowing them to overcome barriers to becoming self-sufficient.
LSS Faith Mission in Columbus and Fairfield County provide caring support to homeless men and women transitioning into permanent housing by providing emergency shelter, nutritious meals, job and life skill support, and case management services. Medical, dental, vision and behavioral health services are also provided at their Columbus location. Learn more about them here: https://lssnetworkofhope.org/faithmission/

Our Tampa Team was honored to volunteer with Feeding Tampa Bay, where we sorted through 6,000+lbs of food and generated over 5,000 meals. Learn more about this fantastic organization and what you can do to aid their mission to end hunger in Tampa Bay here: https://feedingtampabay.org/

Our Las Vegas Crew took part in outfitting 425 critical needs kids with brand-new shoes and socks today along with handing out a dental hygiene kit. During the event today, Goodie Two Shoes Foundation served their 125,000th kid. The Goodie Two Shoes Foundation provides disadvantaged children and children in crisis with new shoes and socks, as well as other items deemed essential for good health and positive development. Learn more about this fantastic organization here: https://goodietwoshoes.org/